External Talks

News & Events – External Talks

External research talks given by JHI staff and students


Dates Speaker Event & Place Talk title
9 Feb Anne Sansom Chester Astronomical Society Surveys in Astronomy
9 Feb Ben Thompson York CMT group Cosmological Simulations of Galaxies using Adaptive Mesh Refinement


Dates Speaker Event & Place Talk title
3 Nov Ben Thompson Pendle Cafe Scientifique Cosmological Voids
25 Mar Mike Marsh The MET Office, Exeter Sun and Showers: Forecasting Solar Energetic Particle Storms
5 Mar Cristina Popescu Invited colloquim, Imperial College London Radiative transfer modelling of galaxies
Mar Brad Gibson BBC Stargazing Live The Galactic Habitable Zone
18 Feb Mike Marsh Alliance Workshop, Manchester Perpendicular Transport of SEPs Due to Drifts
Feb Brad Gibson Invited, RAS Specialist Meeting Bridging Disciplines for Galactic Chemical Evolution
Feb Brad Gibson Seminar, Edinburgh Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
6 Feb Cristina Popescu Invited colloquim, University of Bristol Radiative transfer modelling of galaxies
Feb Brad Gibson Seminar, Nottingham Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies


Dates Speaker Event & Place Talk title
13 Dec Mike Marsh RAS Specialist Discussion Meeting Sun and Showers: Forecasting Solar Energetic Particle Storms
2-4 Dec Don Kurtz Invited speaker and invited lecturer at PDRA school (two talks), Brussels, Belgium What asteroseismology has to offer to astrophysics
Dec Silvia Dalla University of Turku, Finland Simulating the propagation of Solar Energetic Particles
Dec Joe Smerdon European Integrated Center for the Development of New Metallic Alloys and Compounds, Ljubljana, Slovenia Templated quasicrystalline molecular films
25th Nov. Joanne Bibby “STFC Public Engagement Symposium” – Birmingham, UK.
19 Nov Mike Marsh 10th European Space Weather Week The Role of Drifts in the Propagation of Solar Energetic Particles
18th Nov. Don Kurtz Villanova University colloquium Asteroseismology colloquium
8th Nov. Joanne Bibby RAS Discussion meeting on “Learning, Teaching and Outreach in Astronomy”, Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK Invited talk on “Distance Learning & Outreach at UCLan”
6 Nov Cristina Popescu University of Nottingham Radiative transfer modelling of galaxies
1 Nov Cristina Popescu “The Violet Universe” IOP conference, London Radiation fields in galaxies and in the Milky Way
Nov Brad Gibson Seminar, Basel, Switzerland Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
Nov Brad Gibson Seminar, Liverpool JMU Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
21st Oct Don Kurtz Tohoku University colloquium Japan Asteroseismology colloquium
9 – 11 Oct Cristina Popescu “Dust radiative transfer 2013 – codes and benchmarks”, Grenoble Radiation fields in galaxies and in the Milky Way
Sep Brad Gibson A-Level Physics Talk, Cardinal Newman College Building a Universe with a Supercomputer
20-23 Aug Don Kurtz Invited speaker, Wroclaw, Poland IAU Symposium 301: Precision Asteroseismology, a Celebration of the Scientific Opus of Wojtek Dziembowski
Aug Brad Gibson Gaia Challenge Workshop, Guildford Metal Distributions and the Tracking of Cluster Debris
Aug Brad Gibson Structure and Dynamics of Disk Galaxies, Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas High-Redshift Metallicity Gradients
3rd July Don Kurtz University of Tokyo colloquium Japan Asteroseismology colloquium
July Joe Smerdon Argonne National Laboratory, Illinois, USA Pinwheels to quasicrystals: STM investigations of pentacene and C60
23-28 June Don Kurtz Invited speaker, SOC, Sydney, Australia KASC6: A New Era of Stellar Astrophysics with Kepler
27-31 May Don Kurtz Invited speaker, SOC, Roscoff, France New advances in stellar physics: 
from microscopic to macroscopic processes
May Mike Marsh AGU Meeting of the Americas, Cancun, Mexico Asymmetric Perpendicular Transport of Solar Energetic Particles
May Dimitris Stamatellos Heidelberg , Germany Magnetic Fields from Cloud Cores to Protostellar Disks
May Brad Gibson Seminar, Exeter Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
May Brad Gibson Seminar, Queen’s University, Belfast Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
May Silvia Dalla AGU Meeting of the Americas, Cancun, Test particle simulations of GLE proton transport in interplanetary space,
Apr Silvia Dalla University of Cambridge, UK Test particle simulations of Solar Energetic Particle propagation through interplanetary space
Apr Brad Gibson Seminar, Strasbourg Observatory, France Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
Apr Brad Gibson Seminar, UCLan Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
Apr Silvia Dalla Heraeus Workshop on ‘Plasma and Radiation Environment in Astrospheres and Implications for the Habitability of Extrasolar Planets’, Bad Honnef Cross-field transport of Solar Energetic Particles,
18 Mar Cristina Popescu University College London Radiative transfer modelling of galaxies
Mar Joe Smerdon ISSC-19, Nottingham Reversible rectification in sub-monolayer organic heterojunctions
Mar Brad Gibson Seminar, Concepcion, Chile Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
Feb Brad Gibson European Astrofest, London Mining the Fossil Record of the Milky Way
Feb Brad Gibson Seminar, MSSL/UCL Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies


Dates Speaker Event & Place Talk title
12 Nov Tim Cawthorne Max Planck Kernphysik Institute, Heidelberg What makes astrophysical jets brighten?
26-30 Nov Don Kurtz Invited speaker, SOC, Hakone, Japan Progress in physics of the Sun and stars: a new era in helio- and asteroseismology,
15 Nov Anne Sansom Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Surrey, UK. Effects of non-solar abundance ratios in spectra of stars and stellar populations.
Nov Brad Gibson Seminar, Paris Observatory, France Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
Nov Mike Marsh Space Weather: The Space Radiation Environment, Palm Springs, USA Modelling Solar Energetic Particle Propagation for Space Weather Impact
Nov Mike Marsh 9th European Space Weather Week Test Particle Simulations of Solar Energetic Particle Propagation for Space Weather
Nov Dimitris Stamatellos MPE, Munich, Germany Hot Planets and Cool Stars
Nov Brad Gibson Public Lecture, Preston, UK Building a Universe Byte-by-Byte
Oct Dimitris Stamatellos Ringberg, Germany 50 years of brown dwarfs: From theoretical predictions to observations
Sep Brad Gibson Seminar, Leiden Observatory, Netherlands Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
28 Aug Anne Sansom Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Sao Jose dos Campos Brazil. Stellar Populations and Dust in Early-Type Galaxies
20 – 31 Aug Cristina Popescu “Calibration of star-formation rate measurements across the electromagnetic spectrum”, IAU XXVIII General Assembly, Beijing, China Invited talk, “Star-formation parameters based on modelling SEDs of spiral galaxies”
20 – 31 Aug Cristina Popescu “Calibration of star-formation rate measurements across the electromagnetic spectrum”, IAU XXVIII General Assembly, Beijing, China Summary and concluding remarks
15 Aug Anne Sansom Sao Paulo University, SP, Brazil. Effects of non-solar abundance ratios in spectra of stars and stellar populations.
Aug Brad Gibson Nuclei in the Cosmos XII, Cairns, Australia The Galactic Terrestrial Zone
Aug Brad Gibson Public Lecture, Melbourne, Australia Building a Universe Byte-by-Byte
Aug Victor Debattista IAU Special Session, Beijing, China Galaxy Evolution through Secular Processes
Jul Brad Gibson Galactic Aracheology Surveys, Sydney, Australia Are Cosmological Simulations of Disk Galaxies Useful?
Jul Brad Gibson Keynote Speaker, Spanish Astronomical Society, Valencia, Spain Spiral Galaxies: Have We Finally Got It Right?
18-22 June Don Kurtz invited speaker, SOC, Balaton, Hungary KASC5
June Dimitris Stamatellos Crete, Greece The labyrinth of star formation
Jun Brad Gibson Seminar, Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
Jun Brad Gibson Invited, Gaia GREAT ESF Workshop on the Milky Way, Heidelberg, Germany The Milky Way in 3D: Modelling Challenges
17th May Don Kurtz Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics colloquium USA Asteroseismology colloquium
May Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
27 Apr Cristina Popescu Queens University Belfast Radiative transfer modelling of galaxies
Apr Brad Gibson Seminar, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
21 March Don Kurtz Liverpool John Moores University – colloquium UK Asteroseismology colloquium
12-16th March Don Kurtz STFC graduate school, invited lecturer, Oxford, UK Exoplanets and their Host Stars
12-16th March Joanne Bibby “Death of Massive Stars: Supernovae & Gamma-ray Bursts” – International Astronomical Union Symposium 279, Nikko, Japan Contributed talk on “Searching for Wolf-Rayet progenitors of Type Ibc SNe in M101” Conference proceedings, 2012, AUS, 279, 118
Mar Silvia Dalla Space Weather: The Space Radiation Environment, Palm Springs Invisible Active Region emergences: a statistical study from magnetogram data,
Mar Silvia Dalla National Astronomy Meeting, Manchester Invisible Active Region emergences in line-of-sight magnetogram data
Mar Silvia Dalla Lancaster University, UK Modelling Solar Energetic Particle propagation through interplanetary space
Mar Brad Gibson Seminar, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
Feb Brad Gibson 6th ANITA Workshop, Melbourne, Australia Spiral Galaxies: Have We Finally Got It Right?


Dates Speaker Event & Place Talk title
5-9 Dec Don Kurtz First Kepler Science Conference, NASA-Ames Research Center, USA Asteroseismology
2 Dec Don Kurtz Seminar, Stanford, USA Asteroseismology
Nov Brad Gibson From the First Structures to the Universe Today, Buenos Aires, Argentina Galactic Chemodynamics: Past, Present and Future
Oct Brad Gibson Seminar, Lancaster Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
Sept. Joanne Bibby Astrophysical Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK Invited seminar on “Wolf-Rayet progenitors of Type Ibc Supernovae; initial results from M101”
19-23 Sep Don Kurtz New Horizons in Time Domain Astronomy Asteroseismology
5 Sep Anne Sansom The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies, Preston Effects of Non-Solar Abundance Ratios on Star Spectra: Observations versus Models
Sep Silvia Dalla Workshop on Cosmic Rays and the Heliospheric Plasma Environment, Bochum, Germany Solar Energetic Particle Observations
Sep Silvia Dalla ESLAB 11 / Cluster 21 Workshop, Bruges, Belgium Models of Energetic Particle Propagation in the Inner Heliosphere
Jul Brad Gibson Seminar, Saint Mary’s University, Canada Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
11-15 July Joanne Bibby “Four Decades of Research on Massive Stars”, In honour of Anthony F.J. Moffat, Quebec, Canada Contributed talk on “Search for Wolf-Rayet stars Beyond the Local Group” Conference proceedings, PASP, in Press
11-15 Jul Don Kurtz From Unprecedented Data to Revolutionary Science, Boulder, USA Kepler Discoveries in roAp Stars
22 June Danielle Bewsher West Cumbria Science Festival, Whitehaven, Public Lecture Living with a Star
20-24 June Joanne Bibby “Supernovae and their Host Galaxies”, Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney, Australia Searching for Wolf-Rayet progenitors of Type Ibc Supernovae
4 May Anne Sansom Seminar, Nottingham Binary Stars and Stellar Populations
May Silvia Dalla Seminar, Imperial College, London Test Particle Simulations of Solar Energetic Particle Acceleration and Propagation
Apr Silvia Dalla National Astronomy Meeting, Llandudno, Wales Solar energetic particle transport across the interplanetary magnetic field: observational constraints and modelling
Apr Daniel Brown National Astronomy Meeting, Llandudno, Wales Observing Rotating Sunspots with the Solar Dynamics Observatory
25 Mar Anne Sansom Seminar, IAC, Tenerife Interacting Binary Stars and Stellar Populations
13-17 Mar Don Kurtz Progress in Solar/Stellar Physics with Helio- and Asteroseismology, 61st Fujihara Seminar First Evidence for Multiple Pulsation Axes: A New roAp Star in the Kepler Field, KIC10195926
Jan. Joanne Bibby Columbia University, New York Invited seminar on “An Overview of Wolf-Rayet Stars and their Death as Core-Collapse Supernovae”


Dates Speaker Event & Place Talk title
Dec Brad Gibson Seminar, Cardiff Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
15-26 Nov Don Kurtz XXII Winter School in Astrophysics, IAC, Tenerife Asteroseismology: An Observer’s Views and Tools
18 Nov Don Kurtz Seminar, Brighton Asteroseismology
Sep Brad Gibson Metal Enrichment from Hydrodynamical Simulations Dwarf Galaxies: Stars vs Gas
26-30 Jul Don Kurtz Sagan Exoplanet Summer Workshop: Stars as Homes for Habitable Planetary Systems Asteroseismology over the HR diagram – Kepler Results
1-30 Jun Brad Gibson Lecture Series, Vatican Observatory The Chemistry of the Universe
18 May Don Kurtz Seminar, Armagh Observatory Asteroseismology
12th-14th April 2010 Joanne Bibby National Astronomy Meeting, University of Glasgow, UK. The distribution of WR stars in NGC 779. Invited talk in “Explosions in the Distant Universe” session
12 Mar Mike Marsh Waves and Turbulence in Solar-Terrestrial Plasmas, RAS, London Exploiting the Coronal Slow Mode
2010 Victor Debattista Seminar, Heidelberg Early-Type Dwarf Galaxies: Origin, Evolution, Characteristics
2010 Victor Debattista Seminar, Beijing Chemistry, Dynamics and Structure of the Milky Way
2010 Victor Debattista Seminary, Puschino Dynamics and Evolution of Disc Galaxies


Dates Speaker Event & Place Talk title
23 Dec Don Kurtz Sheffield-Hallam University Christmas lecture, “Songs of the Stars, the Real Music of the Spheres”
9 Nov Don Kurtz University of Vienna “Laudatio on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Michel Breger”
4 Nov Don Kurtz Warwick University Asteroseismology
15 Oct Brad Gibson Seminar, Trieste Joint Colloquia Series, Trieste, Italy The Formation of Disk Galaxies
17th-21st August 2009 Joanne Bibby Stellar Death and Supernovae Conference, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, United States Are Wolf-Rayet stars progenitors of Type Ib/c supernovae?
6-7 Aug Brad Gibson Invited Talk, IAU JD8: Hot Interstellar Matter in Elliptical Galaxies, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Chemodynamical Models of Elliptical Galaxies
30th July Joanne Bibby Massive Stars and Supernova: One day workshop, University of Cambridge Searching for Wolf-Rayet stars: The progenitors of Type Ib/c supernovae?
20 Jul Jaz Pearson Contributed Talk, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China STEREO Observations of the Birth and Life of the 25th March 2008 CME
8 Jul Mike Marsh Hinode/EIS UK Meeting, University College London Using EIS to Confirm a Seismologically Inferred Coronal Temperature
21-26 Jun Brad Gibson Invited Talk, Vatican Observatory Super Summer School 2009, Rome, Italy Stellar Populations and Galaxy Evolution
9 Jun Mike Marsh Royal Observatory Belgium The SDO AIA Data Archive at UCLan
1-5 Jun Don Kurtz “Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation” Invited Speaker: Pulsation in Chemically Peculiar Stars of the upper main sequence
29 May Brad Gibson Lecture Series, UCM, Spain Gravitational N-Body Techniques and the Formation of Disk Galaxies
20 May Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Manchester The Formation of Disk Galaxies
15 May Don Kurtz Queenstown and Hangklip Association (WWII RAF veterans), Kings Caughton Hotel, Alcester, Warwickshire Seriously Big: the Latest and Greatest Hits of the Hubble Space Telescope
5-8 May Brad Gibson Invited Talk, Galactic Archaeology, Palm Cove, Australia The Formation of Disk Galaxies
30 Apr Mike Marsh Contributed talk, STEREO-3/SOHO-22, Bounemouth 3D Coronal Slow Modes: Towards 3D Seismology
10 Apr Don Kurtz Edinburgh International Science Festival Introductions and questions for the film, “Cosmic Africa”
24-27 Mar Don Kurtz SONG II (Stellar Oscillations Network Group), Aarhus, Denmark Invited Review: What Else can SONG do?
11 Mar Cristina C. Popescu Seminar, University of Hertfordshire Dust in Galaxies
27 Feb Brad Gibson Seminar, Lavel University, Canada Chemodynamical Simulations of Spiral Galaxies
19 Feb Mark Rushton Seminar, Main Observatory, Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine V838 Mon and the new class of transients
18 Feb Mark Rushton Seminar, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Ukraine V838 Mon and the new class of transients
2-5 Feb Don Kurtz First CoRoT International Symposium Invited Conference Review
Nov 2009 Silvia Dalla Seminar: University of Cambridge Visibility of magnetic flux emergence on the Sun
Apr 2009 Silvia Dalla STEREO-3/SOHO-22 Workshop, Bournemouth Automatic detection of limb prominences in SOHO/EIT and STEREO/EUVI
31 Oct Danielle Bewsher Public Lecture: Prediciting Solar Activity Society for Popular Astronomy, London
1 Dec Anne Sansom Invited seminar at ULB, Brussels Interacting Binary Stars in Stellar Population Analysis
9 Oct Anne Sansom Invited seminar at University of Hertfordshire Interacting Binary Stars in Stellar Population Analysis
2009 Victor Debattista Invited Review: Rio de Janeiro 2009 Modelling the Milky Way in the Era of Gaia


Dates Speaker Event & Place Talk title
14 Dec Don Kurtz Bury Boys School Annual Christmas Lecture, Bury, UK Songs of the Stars
1 Dec Don Kurtz Cafe Scientifique, Pendle, UK Seriously Big: The Latest and Greatest Hits of the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes
19 Nov Don Kurtz Queen’s University, Belfast, UK Asteroseismology
14 Nov Brad Gibson Invited Talk, Galaxies and the Elements, London, UK Chemodynamical Modelling of Galaxies
23 Oct Mike Marsh Contributed Talk, SECCHI Consortium Meeting, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C., USA Three-Dimensional Observations of a Coronal Slow-Magnetoacoustic Wave
22 Oct Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK The Stellar Populations of Elliptical Galaxies
22 Oct Don Kurtz Waterloo University, Ontario, Canada Asteroseismology
18 Oct Barbara Hassall Invited Talk, IoP Meeting on E-learning in Physics and Astronomy, Manchester, UK E-learning for Astronomy
10 Oct Jaz Pearson Contribued Talk, RAS Specialist Discussion, London, UK Preliminary STEREO Analysis of a Coronal Mass Ejection
9 Oct Don Kurtz Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Asteroseismology
4-6 Oct Stephanie Courty Invited Talk, Frontiers of Science Symposium, Kanagawa, Japan Simulating the Host Galaxies of Gamma-Ray Bursts
16-19 Sep Don Kurtz Contributed talk, ARENA Workshop on: Time-series observations from Dome C, Catania, Italy Asteroseismic photometry at Dome C following the Kepler mission
15-19 Sep Brad Gibson Invited Talk, Galaxies in Real Life and Simulations, Leiden, Netherlands Galaxies on a Mesh
10 Sep Chris Brook Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK Simulating the Formation of Polar Ring Galaxies
2 Sep Jaz Pearson Contribued Talk, STFC Solar Physics Summer School, Queen’s University Belfast, UK Preliminary STEREO Analysis of a Coronal Mass Ejection
22 Jul Katie Harris Seminar, Universidad de Chile, Chile The Environments of Quasars and Star Forming Galaxies
17 Jul Katie Harris Seminar, Gemini Obs., Chile The Environments of Quasars and Star Forming Galaxies
3 Jul Stephanie Courty Contributed Talk, SFA, Paris, France On the Evolution of an AMR-type Galaxy Disk
28 Jun-12 Jul Don Kurtz Sea Princess Mediterranean Cruise 1) Seriously Big: The Latest and Greatest Hits of the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes, 2) Songs of the Stars, 3) Between Fire and Ice: The Earth’s Special Place, 4) It’s About Time!
23-27 Jun Brad Gibson Contributed Talk, The Cosmic Odyssey of Elements, Aegina, Greece The Chemical Evolution of Isotopes in Disk Galaxies
23-27 Jun Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Contributed Talk, The Cosmic Odyssey of Elements, Aegina, Greece The Stellar Populations of Elliptical Galaxies
19 Jun Jaz Pearson Contribued Talk, Sac Peak Summer School, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA Preliminary STEREO Analysis of a Coronal Mass Ejection
9-13 Jun Brad Gibson Contributed Talk, The Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context, Copenhagen, Denmark Hydrodynamical Adaptive Mesh Refinement Simulations of Disk Galaxies
15 May Victor Debattista Seminar, University College London, UK Simulating Evolution in Disk Galaxies
7 May Victor Debattista Seminar, Durham University, UK Simulating Evolution in Disk Galaxies
30 April Victor Debattista Seminar, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Simulating Evolution in Disk Galaxies
14-18 Apr Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Lecture Series, UCM, Spain Galaxy Formation and Evolution
14 Apr Ilani Loubser Seminar, University of Groningen, Netherlands Radial Kinematics and Stellar Populations of a new Sample of cD Galaxies
7-12 Apr Cristina Popescu Invited Review, Exploring the Solar System and the Universe, Bucharest, Romania Dust in Galaxies
27 Mar Brad Gibson Seminar, Munich Joint Astronomy Colloquia (ESO,MPA,Munich), Germany Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud
21 Mar Don Kurtz National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Japan Asteroseismology
14 Mar Don Kurtz Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Asteroseismology
12 Mar Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, University of Hertfordshire, UK Kinematic and Stellar Population Gradients in Ellipticals
11 Mar Don Kurtz Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan Asteroseismology
5 Mar Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, Durham University, UK Kinematic and Stellar Population Gradients in Ellipticals
28 Feb Cristina Popescu Seminar, University of Hertfordshire, UK tba
25 Feb Markus Hartmann Contributed Talk, Workshop on Nuclear Star Clusters across the Hubble Sequence, Heidelberg, Germany Evolution of Nuclear Clusters
25 Feb Victor Debattista Contributed Talk, Workshop on Nuclear Star Clusters across the Hubble Sequence, Heidelberg, Germany Evolution of nuclear disks in N-body simulations
21 Feb Victor Debattista Seminar, University of Edinburgh, UK Simulating Evolution in Disk Galaxies
20 Feb Brad Gibson Seminar, Keele University, UK Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud
20 Feb Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, University of Sheffield, UK Kinematic and Stellar Population Gradients in Ellipticals
11 Feb Don Kurtz Craven Naturalists and Science Society, Skipton, UK Seriously Big: The Latest and Greatest Hits of the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes
6 Feb Brad Gibson Seminar, Imperial College, UK Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud
6 Feb Anne Sansom Seminar, University of Hertfordshire, UK Stellar Populations in Low Luminosity Early-Type Galaxies
28 Jan Brad Gibson Contributed Talk, RAVET Team Meeting, Tenerife, Spain Galactic Chemical and Chemodynamical Modeling at UCLan
21-25 Jan Don Kurtz University of Cape Town 58th Annual Summer School, Cape Town, South Africa 1) Seeing with sound: from bats to Bach, 2) Thoroughly model music: an orchestra of stars, 3) A close eye on the Sun: the Sun-Earth connection, 4) Inside the stars: white dwarfs to red giants, 5) Big telescopes and remote sites: observing strange stars and new planets
18 Jan Brad Gibson Seminar, Queen Mary University London, UK Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud
2008 Victor Debattista Conference Summary: Padova 2008 Tumbling, Twisting, and Winding Galaxies: Pattern Speeds Along the Hubble Sequence


Dates Speaker Event & Place Talk title
17-20 Dec Victor Debattista Invited Lecture Series, Universita di Padova, Italy Barred Galaxies
7 Dec Andrea Marcolini Seminar, Lancaster University, UK The Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Spheroidals in the Local Group
28 Nov Brad Gibson Seminar, Birmingham University, UK Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud
22 Nov Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud
21 Nov Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, Liverpool John Moores’ University, UK Kinematic and Stellar Population Gradients as Fingerprints of Past Mergers in Elliptical Galaxies
14 Nov Jane Noglik Contributed Talk, Hinode Data Analysis Workshop, Orsay, France Hinode/EIS Density and Temperature Analysis of Structures in the Solar Atmosphere
9 Nov Jane Noglik Contributed Talk, A Year of Observations with Hinode and STEREO, London, UK STEREO/EUVI Temperature and Hinode/EIS Density Analysis of Structures in the Solar Atmosphere
3 Oct Andrea Marcolini Seminar, University of Cambridge, UK About the Chemical Enrichment of the Peculiar Globular Cluster Omega Centauri
2 Oct Victor Debattista Talk, Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks, Rome, Italy Understanding the Formation and Evolution of Disk Outskirts
24 Sept Cristina Popescu Invited Talk, Cosmic Matter 2007 Workshop, Wuerzberg, Germany The Evolution of Spectral Energy Distributions of Galaxies over Cosmic Time
15 Sept Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, Carnegie Observatories, California Kinematic and Stellar Population Gradients as Fingerprints of Past Mergers in Elliptical Galaxies
29 Aug Andrea Marcolini Contributed Talk, The Globular Clusters – Dwarf Galaxies Connection, University of Michigan, USA Modeling the Chemical Evolution of Omega Centauri using Three-dimensional Hydrodynamical Simulations
15 Aug Jane Noglik Contributed Talk, First Results from Hinode Meeting, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland The Determination of the Temperature along Structures in the Solar Atmosphere
13 Aug Brad Gibson Public Lecture, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Building a Universe Byte-by-Byte
11 Aug Ilani Loubser Contributed talk, MAGPOP Summer School, Munich, Germany Investigating the stellar populations in cD galaxies
10 Aug Victor Debattista Invited Talk, Dynamics of Galaxies, St Petersburg, Russia M2M Modeling
19 Jul Ilani Loubser Seminar, Gemini South, Aura Observatories, La Serena, Chile Investigating the stellar populations in cD galaxies
16 Jul Brad Gibson Invited Talk, The Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges, Oxford University, UK Chemodynamical Models of Galactic Bulges
4 Jul Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Talk, Galaxy Interactions and Mergers, Nottingham, UK Kinematic and Stellar Population Gradients as Fingerprints of Past Mergers in Elliptical Galaxies
15 Jun Jane Noglik Contributed Talk, Coronal Loops Workshop III, Santorini, Greece The Temperature Structure of Solar Atmospheric Loops: Pros and Cons of CDS and TRACE
13 Jun Stewart Eyres Contributed Talk, RS Ophiuchi (2006) conference, Keele, UK The early radio peak
31 May Brad Gibson Invited Talk, The Milky Way Halo – Stars and Gas, Bonn University, Germany Chemodynamical Modeling of the Milky Way’s Halo
30 May Stewart Eyres Invited Talk, Institute of Physics Lancashire & Cumbria Branch A 300 million square kilometre fusion reactor?
29 May Brad Gibson Invited Talk, Space Astronomy: The UV Window to the Universe, El Escorial, Spain High-Velocity Clouds: Galactic Fuel or Galactic Waste?
24 May Andrea Marcolini Seminar, Bologna Observatory, Italy About the Chemical Enrichment of dSphs and Omega Centauri
15 May Stewart Eyres Seminar, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London The 6th(?) outburst of RS Ophiuchi
14 May Cristina Popescu Invited Talk, ESF Exploratory Workshop on Tracing Dust in Spiral Galaxies Statistical Determination of Opacity in Spiral Galaxies
9 May Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Edinburgh, UK Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud
2 May Mark Rushton Seminar, Jodrell Bank Observatory V838 Mon and the new class of eruptive variables
16-20 Apr National Astronomy Meeting Centre for Astrophysics The biggest and best yet!
25 Apr Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, University of Birmingham, UK On the Formation and Evolution of Ellipticals Galaxies
23 Apr Cristina Popescu Invited Lectures, Les Houche Winter School on Astronomy in the Submillimeter and Far-infrared Domains with the Herschel Space Observatory Modelling the Spectral Energy Distributions of Galaxies
28 Mar Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, University of Trieste, Italy Hints on the star formation history of early-type galaxies from their chemical composition.
14-16 Mar Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Lecture Series, UCM, Spain Galaxy Formation and Evolution
7 Mar Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Hertfordshire, UK Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud
2 Mar Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Leeds, UK Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud
21 Feb Brad Gibson Seminar, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud
14 Feb Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, University of Nottingham, UK How and when did early-type galaxies form? New clues from the spatial distribution of their stellar populations.
9 Feb Don Kurtz Public Lecture: Astrofest 2007, Kensington It’s about time! (Don filled in at the last minute and spoke to an audience of 700)
24 Jan Mark Rushton Seminar, Liverpool John Moores’ University V838 Mon and the new class of eruptive variables
24 Jan Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Sheffield Chemistry of the Local Group
24 Jan Anne Sansom Seminar, Jodrell Bank Observatory The Southern African Large Telescope
15 Jan Ilani Loubser Seminar, North-West University, Potschefstroom, South Africa Stellar populations across cD galaxies
10 Jan Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Durham Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud


Dates Speaker Event & Place Talk title
14 Dec Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Talk, Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies, La Palma, Spain Abundance Gradients in Elliptical Galaxies
12 Dec Brad Gibson Talk, Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies, La Palma, Spain The Chemistry of the Local Group
8 Dec Brad Gibson Invited Talk, Galactic Archaeology, London The First Results from RAVE
30 Nov Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Portsmouth Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud?
10 Nov Don Kurtz Invited talk, Conference on the impact of Einstein’s Theories in the 21st Century; Kumaon University, Naini Tal, India Asteroseismology
9 Nov Don Kurtz Invited talk, Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Naini Tal, India Advice on giving a scientific talk
7 Nov Don Kurtz Invited talk, Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Naini Tal, India Asteroseismology: observations
6 Nov Brad Gibson Talk, Dissecting the Milky Way, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands The Spatial Distribution of the Galactic First Stars
6 Nov Don Kurtz Invited talk, Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Naini Tal, India Asteroseismology: theory
3 Nov Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Groningen Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud?
25 Oct Anne Sansom Seminar, University of Utrecht, Netherlands Interstellar medium in early-type galaxies
21 Oct Brad Gibson Invited Talk, High-Velocity Clouds and the Origin of Neutral Gas in Nearby Galaxies, University of Groningen, Netherlands The Search for HI Clouds in Local Group Analogs
17 Oct Don Kurtz Invited talk, Large Astronomical Infrastructures at CONCORDIA, prospects and constraints for Antarctic optical/IR Astronomy, Roscoff, France Asteroseismology from Dome C
13 Oct Brad Gibson Chair, The Future of Computational Astrophysics in the UK, Royal Astronomical Society, London Introductory Remarks
12 Oct Don Kurtz The Orrery Artwork opening, Blackpool, UK Between Fire and Ice: the Earth’s Special Place
12 Oct Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, University of Oxford The Stellar Populations of Elliptical Galaxies
10 Oct Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Oxford Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud?
6 Oct Brad Gibson Seminar, Sussex University Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud?
27 Sept Brad Gibson Seminar, Nottingham University Building a Galaxy Cloud-by-Cloud?
20 Sept Brad Gibson Seminar, University of Manchester High-Velocity Clouds
20 Sept Don Kurtz Keynote talk, Vienna Workshop on the Future of Asteroseismology, Vienna, Austria Overview of Mike Breger’s career (with Werner Weiss)
19 Sept Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Seminar, Max Planck Institute, Munich The Stellar Populations of Early-Type Galaxies
15 Sept Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Invited Talk, Spanish Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Barcelona 2006 Spanish Thesis Prize Award Talk
15 Sept Brad Gibson Seminar, Institute of Physics Building a Universe Byte-by-Byte?
12 Sept Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez Talk, Spanish Astronomical Society Annual Meeting, Barcelona Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies Since z=0.7: The EDisCS Sample
7 Sep Lars Freyhammer Seminar, DAO (NRCHIA), Victoria, Canada The class of roAp stars – a link between stellar pulsations, magnetic fields and diffusion processes
6 Sept Don Kurtz Invited talk, Energy flow from the Sun to the Earth – PPARC Summer School, UCLan, UK A Look Inside the Sun and Stars: Observations – Asteroseismology
5 Sept Don Kurtz Invited talk, Energy flow from the Sun to the Earth – PPARC Summer School, UCLan, UK A Look Inside the Sun and Stars: Theory
3 Sept Don Kurtz Invited Public Lecture, UCLan, UK Songs of the Stars
18 Aug Stewart Eyres Contributed Talk, IAU General Assembly XXVI Special Session 4 Hot Topics, Prague, Czech Republic The current outburst of RS Ophiuchi
17 Aug Stewart Eyres Contributed Talk, IAU General Assembly XXVI Special Session 2 Innovation in Teaching/Learning Astronomy Methods, Prague, Czech Republic Worldwide On-line Distance Learning University Astronomy
17 Aug Stewart Eyres Contributed Talk, IAU General Assembly XXVI Division V Science Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic RS Ophiuchi and its 6th(?) Outburst
10 Aug Don Kurtz Talk, SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I Beyond the Spherical Sun: a new era of helio- and asteroseismology, Sheffield, UK Resolving the third dimension in roAp stars
8 Aug Don Kurtz Invited Public Lecture, SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I Beyond the Spherical Sun: a new era of helio- and asteroseismology, Sheffield, UK Songs of the Stars
20 July Hannah Worters Colloquium, Gemini Observatory, Hawai’i Sakurai’s object
13 July Brad Gibson Workshop on Chemodynamics, Lyon, France The Origin of Metals in the Intracluster Medium
11 July Anne Sansom Talk, X-ray meeting, MSSL, UK The evolution of the ISM in post-merger galaxies
30 June Brad Gibson Talk, Fine-tuning Stellar Population Models, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands Galactic Chemical Evolution
29 June Brad Gibson Discussion Leader, Fine-tuning Stellar Population Models, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands New Ingredients for Stellar Population Models
28 June Anne Sansom Talk, Fine-tuning Stellar Population Models, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands Testing binary star contributions to integrated line strengths
12 June Don Kurtz Invited Talk, HELAS Outreach meeting, Aarhus, Denmark A deconstruction of “Asteroseismology: The Real Music of the Spheres”
7 June Don Kurtz Colloquium, ESO, Santiago, Chile Asteroseismology: The Real Music of the Spheres
30 May Brad Gibson Commonwealth Cosmology Initiative Workshop, Melbourne, Australia Coordinating the Science Outcomes for the CCI
15 May Don Kurtz Invited talk, SIAMOIS kick-off meeting, Paris Observatory, France Asterometric targets for Dome C
11 May Brad Gibson NOVA Keynote Address, Netherlands Astronomical Conference, Ameland, Netherlands The Chemistry of the Local Group of Galaxies
12 Apr Don Kurtz Colloquium, University of Nice, France Asteroseismology: The Real Music of the Spheres
29 Mar Stewart Eyres Seminar, University of Innsbruck, Austria RS Ophiuchi and the recurrent nova phenomenon
27 Mar Don Kurtz Invited talk, Precision Radial Velocity Spectrograph Workshop, ATC, Royal Observator, Edinburgh Asteroseismology with PVRS
24 Mar Brad Gibson Seminar, Strasbourg Observatory, France High-velocity clouds
22 Mar Lars Freyhammer Workshop on the global spectrograph network, Aarhus University, Denmark Envelope modelling of roAp stars in 3D
22 Feb Don Kurtz Public talk, Chester Astronomical Society, Chester Songs of the Stars
14 Feb Brad Gibson Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany High-velocity clouds: Building blocks of Galaxies?
13 Feb Don Kurtz Public talk, New Horizons, Blackpool Between Fire and Ice: Earth’s Special Place
30 Jan Don Kurtz Institute of Physics, Manchester Asteroseismology: The Real Music of the Spheres
23 Jan Don Kurtz Public talk, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh Songs of the Stars
9 Jan Don Kurtz Public talk, Cafe Scientific, Pendle, Lancashire Songs of the Stars


Date Speaker Event or Institute Talk title
17 Dec Don Kurtz Christmas lecture, British Astronomical Society, London It’s about time !
7 Dec Don Kurtz Public talk, Wolverhampton Astronomical Society Songs of the Stars
1 Dec Don Kurtz Meeting on Interferometry and Asteroseismology, Porto, Portugal Resolving pulsations in the atmospheres of roAp stars
14 Nov Lars Freyhammer Seminar, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada What can we learn from observations of early-type binary stars with a pulsating companion?
23 Nov Jon Riley Seminar, University of Porto, Portugal High Resolution Spectroscopy of the roAp star HD134214
14 Nov Don Kurtz Public talk, MTN Science Centre, Cape Town, South Africa Songs of the Stars
13 Oct Don Kurtz Public talk, Crayford Astronomical Society, Kent Songs of the Stars
7 Sept Don Kurtz ENEAS PhD school, Pecs, Hungary Stellar pulsations: an Overview
6 Sept Don Kurtz ENEAS PhD school, Pecs, Hungary Advice on giving a Scientific Talk
20 July Don Kurtz Seminar, Catania Observatory, Italy Resolving the depth structire of pulsation modes in roAp stars with VLT UVES
18 Jul Jane Noglik NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, Washingon DC, USA Investigation of Colour-Colour Method to Determine Solar Atmospheric Temperatures along Plasma Loops
15 Jul Jane Noglik NSO Workshop 23: Solar MHD, Sac Peak Obs., Sunspot, USA Investigation of Colour-Colour Method to Determine Solar Atmospheric Temperatures along Plasma Loops
7 Jul Don Kurtz JENAM, Liege, Belgium How can we probe the interiors of stars?
5 Jun Don Kurtz Element Stratification in Stars: 40 Years of Diffusion A high resolution spectroscopic survey of the roAp stars
15 Apr Jane Noglik UK Solar Physics Meeting, Birmingham, UK Indirect Calculation of Magnetic Reconnection Rates from Flare Loops
15 Jan Jane Noglik INYS-Many Faces of the Universe: From Solar System to Cosmology, Prague, Czech. Indirect Calculation of Magnetic Reconnection Rates from Flare Loops