--- abstract: 'In the full-orbit particle simulations of energetic particle transport in plasmas, the plasma turbulence is typically described as a homogeneous superposition of linear Fourier modes. The turbulence evolution is, however, typically a nonlinear process, and, particularly in the heliospheric context, the solar wind plasma is inhomogeneous due to the transient structures, as observed by remote and in situ measurements. In this work, we study the effects of the inhomogeneities on energetic particle transport by using spatially distributed, superposed turbulence envelopes. We find that the cross-field transport is significantly reduced, when compared to the results obtained with homogeneous turbulence. The reduction can reach an order of magnitude when the enveloping breaks the wave phase coherence along the mean magnetic field direction.' adsnote: Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System adsurl: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2012ApJ...749..103L archivePrefix: arXiv authors: - T. Laitinen - S. Dalla - J. Kelly category: publications date: '2012-04-01' doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/749/2/103 draft: false eid: '103' eprint: '1202.6237' featured: false journal: ApJ month: April number: '2' pages: '103' primaryClass: astro-ph.SR projects: [] publication: ApJ publication_types: - '2' tags: - Cosmic rays - Diffusion - Turbulence - Astrophysics - solar and stellar astrophysics - Astrophysics - high energy astrophysical phenomena title: 'Energetic Particle Diffusion in Structured Turbulence' type: ARTICLE volume: '749' year: '2012' ---