Implications of Proton Anisotropy Development Observed by the ERNE Instrument During the 9 July 1996 Solar Particle Event

L. G. Kocharov, J. Torsti, T. Laitinen, R. Vainio

We analysed the solar particle event following the 9 July 1996 solar flare. High-energy protons were detected by the ERNE instrument on board SOHO. Anisotropy of arriving protons revealed very peculiar non-monotonic development. A short period of almost isotropic distribution was imbedded into the prolonged period of beam-like distribution of 14-17 MeV protons. This implies the existence of a narrow magnetic channel with a much smaller mean free path than in the surrounding quiet solar wind plasma.

Sol. Phys., 175, 785-795, 1997
