The Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Central Lancashire is pleased to welcome Dr Silvia Dalla to our solar astrophysics group. She will also continue as Astrogrid Deputy Project Scientist and contribute to our distance learning and Masters programmes.
Silvia graduated in Physics at the University of Milan and did a PhD on modelling of laboratory plasmas, based at the JET Laboratory in Culham. She subsequently worked with Professor Andre Balogh at Imperial College London on the analysis of solar wind and solar energetic particle data.
In 2003 she moved to the University of Manchester to research solar particle acceleration during flares. At this time she also started working for AstroGrid (the UK STFC-funded Virtual Observatory project), with responsibility for integrating Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics data and analysis tools with AstroGrid, and for facilitating uptake of VO tools within the UK scientific community.