David Glass and Richard Rae, two current JHI Astronomy Distance Learning undergraduate students, were awarded runners-up prizes in the University Intern Poster Competition held on October 8th. JHI staff member Dr Anne Sansom supervised their project on early-type galaxies. This work has subsequently led to a telescope proposal on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) for follow-up work. The JHI is part of the UK JCMT Consortium.
Other JHI entrants included new postgraduate student Tom Kirk (recently one of our Maths undergraduates), and on-campus Astrophysics undergraduates Tom Halpin, Simon Ebo and Jordan Thirlwall, all of whose posters were also judged to be excellent. Simon’s work with Professor Don Kurtz and JHI postgraduate Dominic Bowman has already led to a paper being submitted to an internationally recognised refereed journal.
The photographs below show David Glass (top) and Richard Rae (bottom), as well as their supervisor Dr Anne Sansom and JHI Director Professor Derek Ward-Thompson, in front of the successful poster.