Interactive Galaxy Visualisations at UCLan’s AstroFest stand wows

This year’s UCLan stand at AstroFest featured GalaxyFlyer, an interactive VR display using galaxy simulations.

The result of a collaboration between Laurent Noel (UCLan Computing) and Victor Debattista (JHI), GalaxyFlyer allows the user to navigate a simulated galaxy, gaining insight into how galaxies look and how they form.

The display proved popular with all ages.

One person who was impressed was Dr. Brian May. After trying out GalaxyFlyer, he declared it “cosmic”.

UPDATE: The JHI’s stand featured in the April 2017 edition of Astronomy Now.

Featured Image: Multiple people try out GalaxyFlyer at AstroFest .Credit: Max Alexander and Astronomy Now.

Brian May tries out GalaxyFlyer at AstroFest. Credit: Max Alexander and Astronomy Now.


Victor Debattista describes GalaxyFlyer. Credit: Max Alexander and Astronomy Now.


Victor Debattista describes GalaxyFlyer. This image featured in Astronomy Now April 2017. Credit: Max Alexander and Astronomy Now.


Brian May tries out GalaxyFlyer at AstroFest. Credit: Max Alexander and Astronomy Now.