Title: Black holes and spin offs
Speaker: Katherine Blundell , Professor of Astrophysics, University of Oxford
Abstract: The popular notion of a black hole “sucking in everything” from its surroundings only happens very close to a black hole. Far away, the pull of the black hole is identical to that of anything else of the same mass. However, black holes do give rise to many remarkable phenomena such as extragalactic quasars and, in our own Galaxy, microquasars. This is because gravity is not the only law of physics that must be obeyed. Matter can be spun off from near black holes in the form of winds and jets that spread through their surroundings and thus cause black holes to have tremendous cosmic influence many light years beyond their event horizons. I will describe various approaches that I employ to investigate these phenomena, and their spin-offs.
Katherine Blundell is a Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Oxford and a Research Fellow at St John’s College.
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