The 8-inch Cooke refractor at the Jeremiah Horrocks Observatory performed night-time observing for the first time in over 25 years on 9th January 2025 when Preston and District Astronomical Society (PADAS) hosted a public observing night there. The observatory is located at Preston’s Moor Park.
The refurbishment of the dome was completed in late 2024, but this was the first time the public had been invited to look through the telescope.
PADAS members and members of the public alike were treated to views of the planets and other objects on a very cold, clear night, with excellent observing conditions.
For more information about the Jeremiah Horrocks Observatory, see:
For more information about PADAS, public observing nights, and how to join in, see:

Figure 1: Night-time observing with the 8-inch Cooke refractor.

Figure 2: Other telescopes were set up outside despite the frosty conditions.