The inaugural call for access to the UK’s High Performance Computing (HPC) facility, administered by STFC’s Distributed Research utilising Advanced Computing (DiRAC) has resulted in unprecedented success for UCLan. The Principal Investigator for the Galactic Archaeology programme, Professor Brad Gibson, was thrilled by the award 7 million core hours to the group. “Our COSMOS Consortium has been awarded an incredible 32 million core hours over the years 2013 to 2015, to support its efforts in fundamental cosmology and the origin of structure in the Universe. For 7 million of those hours to be allocated to our Galactic Archaeology efforts alone is an outcome we could have only dreamt about!”, said Gibson.
The simulations which will make use of this allocation of resources build upon the world-leading work which has been undertaken at both UCLan and UCL/MSSL in bringing together powerful gravitional and hydrodynamical models of galaxies like our Milky Way, with our unique expertise in tracing the distribution of chemical elements (life’s own building blocks) throughout the Universe.
PhD Studentships in support of UCLan’s Galactic and Planetary Archaeology efforts are available now. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Prof Brad Gibson (bkgibson@uclan.ac.uk) prior to 20 Feb 2013, for more information.