JHI at the Big Bang

Solar physicists from the University of Central Lancashire exhibited at the Big Bang Exhibition in Manchester from the 11th-13th March, an event that attracted around 20,000 visitors from Lancashire and beyond.

Scientists from the Jeremiah Horrocks Institute led the Living with a Star stand which concentrated on the Sun and its effects on the Earth. Visitors to the Big Bang were able to find out more about the Sun and space weather.

Movies of the Sun and the aurora taken by dedicated space probes were shown. Hands on magnetism and ultraviolet light experiments were also demonstrated. Visitors to the stand could also enter the Living with a Star quiz – and 1000 children did so!

Additionally, 400 invites were given out to teachers at the Big Bang to a Solar Physics Teacher Training Day that will be run at Alston Observatory in June.

2010 Big Bang Event

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